Good and Bad News

On Friday, February, 5, 2010, the Matlock Rec Club lost a very good friend. Jack Whitehead passed away after a brief battle with cancer. Our sincere condolences to his entire family, but particularly to his daughter, Cathy, who is MRC's Bingo Chair. Jack will be sadly missed.  You will see a pic of Jack in the Nov 11, 2009 post on this blog, flagged by daughter, Cathy, on his left and good friend, Vic Clayton on his right. Jack was active in the community and proudly assisted with Remembrance Day events every year at the Winnipeg Beach Legion. We'll miss you, Jack.

On the brighter side, several members of the MRC board are off to warmer climes enjoying a much needed break from winter and other responsibilities. But they'll be back in time for our Annual General Meeting, to be held Sunday, March 14th at 2 pm. Refreshments will be served and your attendance is requested. Bring a friend or your spouse along. The more the merrier.

Your annual dues as a member of the MRC are now due and can be paid at the meeting.

We will discuss upcoming programming at the MRC, changes in policies and practices, and plans for the future. We will also provide a report on what we have done over the past year.

We need volunteers to help serve on the board and on committees for our various activities during the upcoming year. Please remember that without the help of volunteers, activities at the MRC will have to be cut. We're only as strong and as vibrant as the volunteers who serve us.

Having served on the board for a year now, I can say with all sincerity that it has been a pleasurable experience and I am willing to stand for re-election as are several other members of the board. But we need more people to fill all the positions and we need your help.

So please pass the word around, attend the March 14th meeting, and step forward to help support your community. We'll look forward to seeing you then.


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