spring has finally sprung in Matlock

The snow on the weekend was a bit of a setback, but nothing compared to the dozens of tornadoes felt in the southern US! We are indeed fortunate to live in this beautiful and relatively safe part of the continent.

With spring finally showing its smiling face (I've noticed some green grass showing up in dry, sunny spots!) we're pleased to provide you with a few updates.

1) the RSVP date for the May 1st Annual General Meeting and dinner has been extended to April 27th. Please join us to share ideas and a tasty cold buffet meal, free to members. (Nominal cost of $5 for non-members.)

2) We are going ahead with the Zumba classes at the MRC beginning next month. Please call Darlene at 389-3593 ASAP if you'd like to participate. The charge for members will be only $5 for a one-hour class. The program will run for 6 weeks beginning Tuesday, May 24th from 11 am until noon. Tell your friends! Zumba is great fun and exercise for anyone.

3) We've booked the date of December 17th for our annual Christmas Dinner. Please mark you calendars, and stay tuned to this blog for updates.

See you May 1st, and keep smiling!


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