Zumba is rocking the MRC

Merry Christmas to all!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the annual Christmas Dinner & Dance at the club on December 17th. A good time was had by all, we were treated to a fabulous meal and fellowship and the music offered an eclectic mix to please us.

A bit of sad news to share with those who may have left the community for the winter months and may not have heard. The MRC lost a very dear friend on November 28th. Bev Stevens had been president of the MRC for several years and was active in many of our activities. She enjoyed bingo and planning our annual Canada Day and Breakfast with Santa celebrations over the years.

Bev is pictured above (front, left) with her husband, Rick and friends at the 2009 Christmas Dinner at the MRC.

Bev fought a hard battle with cancer and lost and we all lost a very good friend when she said goodbye and moved on to a better place. Our hearts go out to her husband, Rick, who supported Bev with love and devotion through her health difficulties over the past year.

On a brighter note, Zumba is gearing up to resume after the holidays on January 6th. If you've joined us in the past, but have not been for awhile, please come back! We have a terrific group, a lot of fun and the pleasure of shaking it under the direction of instructor, Ruth Burse, who keeps us hopping with all types of multi-cultural music.

If you haven't yet tried Zumba ... give it a whirl! It's loads of fun and is suitable for anyone. Those who can do more, do. Those who get tired take a seat for a moment to catch their breath. The cost is $6/class for MRC members and $7/class for non-members.

We wrapped up the season with a Christmas potluck with a Mexican theme. Ruth cooked us up a batch of fresh quesadillas and everyone brought something to share. We'll do it again after another six weeks of Zumba (under a different theme) so do join us at 11:15 am on January 6th and shape up your body with a little shaking and stretching. You'll be glad you did!

Here's wishing you all the best for 2012, whether you spend winters here with us, in the city or somewhere warm on a beach. Enjoy!


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